Thursday, October 10, 2019

Screen Time

       This blog is based on this article

       This article examines the amount of time that people spend looking at their phones, and no surprise, it is excessive. In her article Shock! Horror! Do you know how much time your phone, Adrienne Matei examines how much time, on average, she and others spend on their phones? With more and more of our daily lives being consolidated to one single device, this is certainly an important thing to explore. 

       According to "screen time,"  a new feature on the Apple iPhone, Matei learns that she spends an average of about two and a half hours per day on her phone. This may not seem like too terribly much until you realize that that equates to about thirty-five full days on the phone spent a year. Even more shocking, she learns that this number is well below average. Most of the people she interviewed for the article spend anywhere from three and a half to four and a half hours a day on their phones. Some even toped out at SIX hours a day. 

       According to the app developer, RescueTime, the average person spends around three hours and fifteen minutes a day on their phone, which translates to a little less than twenty-three three hours a week. That's right, almost a full twenty-four hour day a week is spend looking on the phone. This statistic becomes even more alarming when you realize that means around one thousand two hundred and seventy-four hours a year are spent on the phone, or around fifty-three full days. 

       As someone who is certainly guilty of spending too much time on the phone, these statistics are truly alarming. My first thoughts went to what else I could be doing with that time. How might I have improved myself in that time? What could I have lost by spending so much damn time on my phone? I have decided to monitor my screen time, and cut it down by at least 45 minutes a day. Furthermore, I have decided to dedicate that forty-five minutes to personal growth and meditation. I hope this exercise in development and discipline will result in me becoming a more aware, down to earth, and personable man. 

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