Sunday, December 8, 2019

Promoting Innovation

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A community in which free speech is valued and protected is likely to be a more energized, creative, interesting society as its citizens actively fulfill themselves in many diverse and interesting ways.
- Jack Balkin

       In today's world, it is imperative that a society do everything they can to promote innovation and progressive thought. A society's right to free speech is critical in achieving this goal. This value is highly important, meaningful, inspiring, and consistently underrated. 

       Free speech is often overlooked in the pursuit of innovation, with much of the focus turning to the scientific realm alone. However, it is the right of free speech that given scientists and innovators the platform they so desperately require to spread their findings. The value of free speech and the free flow of ideas is an idea that is inherently flexible and progressive. It moves with time and adapts to an ever-changing society. Paradoxically, it is a principle that requires some level of blind faith to support. Supporting the idea of a free flow of ideas means supporting a system that would allow a platform for ideas that could potentially directly conflict with your own. 

       However, the ability to accept and discuss ideas that may conflict with your own is equally as important as the right to express and spread the ideas. This duality is part of what makes the value so important. The effective exercise of free speech and everything that goes along with it is truly inspiring. 

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