Thursday, October 10, 2019

America has too many Allies?

       This blog post is in relation to this article 

       In his article The U.S. has too many 'Allies', Daniel Larison argues that the U.S.  has developed to many "allies." (He put this word in quotations every time, as if they aren't really allies, or that someone is being fake) Larison asserts that the U.S.  has positioned itself in diplomatic relations with too many countries, with no mind taken for United Stated interests, truly taking a "yeah but what's in it for me?" mentality. 
       He goes on to say that whenever the United Stated accumulates all these alliances and relationships with other countries, the country is drawn into exponentially more conflicts that the country will inevitably eventually "walk away from." He makes this assertion because the United States has no vital interests. 

      Larison wraps up his argument by suggesting that the United States of America should reduce its number of partners and commitments. He believes that in doing so, the United States will reduce the number of conflicts the country will end up in with perceived zero-sum-gain outcomes. He thinks the country should give out less assistance to other countries, and in effect, lessen the need for more "allies" or partners in the global community. 

      I am by no means a warmongering person and do not support the use of force in countries where we have no business being. There is no need for good American young men to give their life in a foreign country for no reason. However, I am a great supporter of the global community and diplomatic relations. I believe that partnership and diplomacy in the global community does so much for American interests. It allows us to trade more freely with other countries, reduce the risk of aggressive acts from other countries, and finally, allow the spread of freedom and democracy through peaceful means. 
      We have seen in the past that an isolationist approach simply does not work for the United States of America. We saw it in both the world wars and subsequent conflicts after. This idea of "well if we have nothing to gain or have no vested interest, we shouldn't even involve ourselves in an alliance" is absurd and, from my point of view, truly un-American. This country is the leader of the free world, and we should work to partner and align ourselves with any country who feels that they want to experience the benefits of freedom and liberty. 

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