Thursday, October 10, 2019

Google Under Fire

      Internet giant, Google, came under fire recently for potentially violating antitrust laws. Prosecutors in 48 states and also Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico are supporting investigations into whether or not Google has monopolized the internet in terms of advertising. Antitrust laws protect consumers and common people against malicious business practices, which includes controlling an entire industry. 

      In relation to Google,  concerns have arisen that Google controls basically all advertising on the internet, and also what consumers see. So because Google controls not only online advertising but also dominant search engines, then people are exponentially more likely to see results that have paid more to Google for advertising, not necessarily the most relevant results. 

     There are options being explored to penalize Google for its monopolistic practices. The primary options are fines (mere drops in Google's oceans of capital), or mandating that Google move their search engine to a spin-off company, thus dividing Google's power and opening the door for more competition. 

     Some, however, feel that Google's practices, which they may potentially be predatorial, are much more helpful to society in the long run. Arguing that Google offers the public so many free services that the upsides far outweigh the down. Personally, I would say that I have certainly noticed the consistent presence of the online giant, but use Google products quite literally multiple times a day. I am generally not bothered by their practices but will be keeping my eye out for more, perhaps more sinister, practices in the future. 

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