Sunday, December 8, 2019

EOTO Part 2

I opted to write about GROUP 2's presentation 


A person who informs on another person or organization engaged in an illicit activity. Whistleblowing affects society in positive and negative ways. While there are some people out there who make false claims, whistleblowing can protect the safety of the public and employees. Whistleblowing might be difficult for people to go forward with, but with the government’s Whistleblower Protection Program, people are more inclined to do so because they are protected. Some people think whistleblowing is a negative thing because it breaks trust, so many look down upon whistleblowers which leads society to believe whistleblowing is a bad thing.


An echochamber is an environment where someone encounters opinions or beliefs that coincide with their own, so their existing views are reinforced and alternative ideas aren’t considered. This can be good because it can quickly and effectively get people information they want, but it can be bad because it can close people off to other's points of view.

Citizen Journalism:

Citizen journalism is “the collection, dissemination, and analysis of news and information by the general public, especially by means of the Internet.” Due to the rise in social media and instant technology, citizens who would normally be the consumers of journalism are now able to contribute their own content, therefore becoming a citizen journalist. Citizen journalism affects our society as a whole because it allows anyone and everyone to take part in the sharing of news through social media and technology, which has both benefits and consequences. This revolutionary way of sharing and receiving news will continue on as our generation ages because we will be the ones contributing.


Founded by Julian Assange in 2006, it publishes news leaks and classified media. WikiLeaks is essentially a whistleblowing platform that receives its content from anonymous sources. WikiLeaks forces transparency and gives the public more information to determine their own judgment on the matters being discussed. However, If things are not substantiated it could spread false information among the general public.

Alternative Media:

Alternative media is media that is not mainstream or corporate-owned. t represents and gives voice to the “secondary” who are oftentimes ignored by the mainstream media and seeks political change. Alternative media is mostly polarized and appeals to a typically only a small subsection of the population. In comparison to mainstream media, alternative media has significantly less funding and a more diverse audience. Alternative media outlets are much harder to access than typical media outlets as well.

Mainstream Media:

A term referring to various large mass news media that influence many people by reflecting and shaping their thoughts. “Mainstream” things are those that are currently popular with most people.  Mainstream media keeps us connected, spur businesses, spreads art and culture, and gives a voice to voiceless. However, it can empower the already powerful, disinform, and overtake personal connection.

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